Efficacy and safety of deep sclerectomy plus Collagen matrix
Jéssica Botella-García, Marta Balboa, Pau Romera-Romero, Theo Stijnen, Adrián Sánchez-Fortún, Karl Mercieca, Jordi Loscos-Arenas
Evaluation of Better Operative Outcome
M. Lecumberri, C L. Moser and J. Loscos‑Arenas
Advanced glaucoma. Clinical practice guide
L. Díez-Álvarez, L. Beltrán-Agulloc , J. Loscos, M. Pazos, B. Ponte-Zúniga, M.D. Pinazo-Durán, R. Giménez-Gómez, F. Ussab , L.M. Pinillac , L. Jaumandreua, G. Rebolleda y F.J. Munoz-Negrete
Management of the cyclodialysis cleft with transscleral cryotherapy
F. Castillo Capponi, P. Romera Romero, L. Broc Iturralde y J. Loscos Arenas
Early and persistent hypotonia with choroidal detachment after implantation of Preserflo® MicroShunt. (Revista Española de Glaucoma Marzo 2022)
Adrián Sánchez-Fortún Sánchez, Pau Romera Romero, Jorge Loscos Arenas, Jessica Botella García, Marta Balboa Miró
Survey on surgical preferences among glaucomatologists in Spain (Archivos de la Sociedad Española Oftalmol Junio 2022)
Loscos Arenas J.
Concordance of the Goldman Tonometer and Corvis ST (Annals d’Oftalmologia 2021)
F. Castillo Capponi, P. Romera Romero, J. Loscos Arenas
Ocular Decompression Retinopathy with Macular Edema after Deep Sclerectomy with Intrascleral Implantation.
Diaz Aljaro P, Loscos Arenas J, Broc Iturralde L, Carbonell Puig M, Romera Romero P. Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 3;11(1):151-155. doi: 10.1159/000507109. eCollection 2020 Jan-Apr.PMID: 32355500
Management of the hyper-filtrating ischaemic bleb: crosslinking with riboflavin and UV radiation versus a conjunctival sliding flap and conjunctival autologous graft.
Romanic Bubalo N, Loscos Arenas J, Romera Romero P, Moll Udina A, Grixolli Mazzon S, Díaz Aljaro P.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2020 Feb;95(2):64-70. doi: 10.1016/j.oftal.2019.10.003. Epub 2019 Nov 23.PMID: 31771807 English, Spanish.
Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension with Preservative-Free Tafluprost/Timolol Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy: The VISIONARY Study.
Oddone F, Tanga L, Kóthy P, Holló G; VISIONARY Study Group.Adv Ther. 2020 Apr;37(4):1436-1451. doi: 10.1007/s12325-020-01239-8. Epub 2020 Feb 18.PMID: 32072493
Same-Site Deep Sclerectomy Re-Operation with Subconjunctival and Subscleral Collagen Matrix (Ologen™) and Minimal use of Mitomycin C , The Open Ophthalmology Journal
DOI: 10.2174/1874364101913010043, 2019, 13, 43-5 Pablo Díaz-Aljaro* , Jordi Loscos-Arenas, Pau Romera-Romero, Nevena Romanic-Bubalo, Stefano Grixolli-Mazzon and Valldeperas X.
Supraciliary versus intrascleral implantation with hema implant (Esnoper V-2000) in deep sclerectomy: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Belda, Loscos-Arenas, Mermoud, Lozano, D'Alessandro, Rebolleda, Rodriguez-Agirretxe, Canut, Rodriguez-Calvo; ESNOPER V-2000 Study Group.
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Conjunctival leaking bleb after cross linking using riboflavin and uva a histopathological study.
Citation: Jordi LA, Gustavo T, Aina MU, Nevena R, Pau R (2017) Conjunctival Leaking Bleb after Cross-Linking using Riboflavin and UVA: A Histopathological Study. J Clin Res Ophthalmol 4(1): 022-024. DOI:
Phenotypic Description of the Spanish Multicentre Genetic Glaucoma Group Cohort. Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 2017, Article ID 1907454.
Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 2017, Article ID 1907454.
Guideline for postoperative management of surgical failure after NPDS.
J. Loscos Arenas, N. Romanic Bubalo, P. Romera Romero, P. Diaz Alfaro, A. Moll Udina,S. Grixolli Mazzon Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol. Badalona. Barcelona
Two-year Results After Deep Sclerectomy With Nonabsorbable Uveoscleral Implant (Esnoper-Clip): Surgical Area Analysis Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography.
Romera-Romero P, Loscos-Arenas J, Moll-Udina A, Romanic-Bubalo N, Castellvi-Manent J, Valldeperas X.J Glaucoma. 2017 Oct;26(10):929-935. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000000756.
Incarceración de iris postgoniopunción en la Esclerectomía profunda no perforante.
Ibáñez J , Loscos J , Vasquez A , Pérez D , Martínez J , José Ángel Cristóbal JA
Deep Sclerectomy with a new Nonabsorbable Uveoscleral Implant (Esnoper-Clip): 1-Year Outcomes.
Loscos-Arenas J, Parera-Arranz A, Romera-Romera P, Castellvi-Manent J, Sabala-Llopart A, de la Cámara-Hermoso J.
J Glaucoma. 2015 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Deep Sclerectomy with supraciliary hema implant (Esnoper® V-2000): results and complications
Loscos J, Valldeperas X, Langhor K, Parera À, Romera P, Sabala A, de la Cámara J.Int Ophthalmol. 2015 Jan 30. PMID:25633644
Breve Historia de la Cirugía Filtrante
Loscos J, Annals d Oftalmología Volumen 22 - Número 3 - Julio-Septiembre 2014
Estudio mediante Biomicroscopía Ultrasónica de pacientes operados de EPNP con implante supraciliar
Loscos J, Valldeperas X, Parera A, Langohr K, Cámara J de L, Domingo M, Castellvi J, Sabala A.
Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2014 Nov;89(11):439-46. doi: 10.1016/j.oftal.2014.05.007. Epub 2014 Jul 22. English, Spanish.
Prolapso coroideo tras esclerectomía profunda no perforante
Survey of familial glaucoma shows a high incidence of cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 (CYP1B1) mutations in non-consanguineous congenital forms in a Spanish population
Laser treatment to avoid trabeculectomy
Queratoconjuntivitis Límbica Superior (Sd.Theodore): estudio clínicopatológico
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Traumatismo oculares perforantes en nuestro ámbito laboral
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Retinopatía asociada al cáncer con vasculitis: a propósito de un caso
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